Mahalo to the Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce for selecting JN Productions, Inc. to produce the video of the 78th Production of the Shoko Shiranami Gonin Otoko (Five Notorious Thieves). This adaptation of the actual kabuki play is the story of the thieves, who brag about their accomplishments before being captured by a clever policeman.
Starring in this year's production were:
-Craig Hirasaki [Kojyo] (Owner/Creative Director, Connectworks Group Hawaii)
- David Jones [Nippon Daemon] (Senior VP and Division Manager, Properties, Central Pacific Bank)
- Tobie Egami [Benten Kozo Kikunosuke] (Marketing Coordinator, G70)
- Joy Barua [Tadanobu Rihei] (President, Finance Insurance, Ltd.)
- John Leano [Akaboshi Jyuzaburo] (Owner, Hawaii's Techspert)
- Shannon Cleary [Nango Rikimaru] (Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Mid-Pacific Institute)
- Aaron Muraki [Meakashi Kingoro] (Land Surveyor, AFM Surveying, LLC | President, Honolulu Japanese Junior Chamber of Commerce)